This week as you prepare to give thanks with family and friends, YOU are at the top of Vimala's list of things to be thankful for. Once terrified and haunted by suicidal thoughts, Vimala now gives thanks for you and prays for other India widows who need the hope and help she has found in God. Anju Sahayadas translated this Thanksgiving message from her:
"The Bible stories my friend from KGM tells me and the prayers encourage me from the fear of suicide. They are my source of comfort and survival. Let the donors of this project be blessed and be able to help others who are suffering like me and having no other place to go. I really thank God for the KGM widow project."
That's today, after you intervened. But to fully understand Vimala's deep and heartfelt gratitude for you, it's important you know her story. Vimala's journey to hope began in terror. The worst happened when at age 47 her husband died...
Visit our ALL-NEW Facebook Page. Lots of new pictures, videos, and a place for all of our friends to gather and get social. Like, Follow, and Share-Us! Click on the picture above to check it out.
Tribal village churches in India don't look like ours. They are often in a home. Like this one in Punjab, a few miles from the border of Pakistan.
But what they look like doesn't matter. Because what they DO is change everything.
Here's four ways they change lives:
Men raised to consider women as property learn in Bible studies how to love their wives sacrificially, as Christ loves the Church.
Women, raised to consider themselves as worthless, become empowered through church driven educational and vocational training programs. They contribute to the household income receiving honor and respect in their home and in their village.
Children who would drop out of school are encouraged to complete their education and their parents receive support from church-run Vacation Bible School and English classes.
Outcasts of society, like widows, receive food and healthcare aid, companionship, encouragement, and vocational training opportunities. Even more important, they are welcomed back into the community as valued, cherished members.
Yes, all over the globe churches change everything. That's why we plant them. In fact, it's why we're passionate about it.
Every month members of The Builders community are helping to enlarge the Kingdom in India, one church at a time. You can transform lives, too.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Builders is a committed movement composed of monthly givers on a mission to reach the unreached and expand God's Kingdom in India.
The Builders are individuals, pastors, and business leaders with the gift of generosity. They are committed to growing God's church and expanding His Kingdom to every unreached person in India.
Together we're building a community of givers and prayer warriers, so generous and constant, that God will use it to transform entire communities for Christ. The Builders are people who are willing to give not just once but who will stick with us month in and month out faithfully fighting for the unreached peoples of India.
Why Champion the Unreached?
We believe no one should live and die without having the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus. Of the estmated 3 billion unreached in the world, 1.3 billion live in India. 96% of India's population is unreached. We're on a mission to change that. Watch the 4 minute video below to see why we're so passionate about reaching India's unreached.
Mangal was dying. He was also troubled and confused. Lying in his sickbed, he listened weakly to a missionary who wanted to pray for him. He refused, of course. Hadn’t he already prayed to all his Hindu gods? Why would this one be different? He had no money for medicine to heal his liver. It was his fate to die. Imagining his wife’s future, he choked back the tears. His family was Hindu, strict in the faith. They would despise his wife, believing her bad luck, the cause of his death. They would shun her. As would all her friends in the village. No one would help or protect her. It was the custom. He had done the same to other widows. Now their faces haunted him. Some begged on the streets; others practiced prostitution. His two daughters would suffer more… Wait! What was that the missionary said? His God, Jesus, died for my sins? As he listened, a deep feeling of peace swept over him unlike anything he’d felt before…
The Well is a passionate and committed movement composed of monthly givers on a mission to rescue orphaned widows and their children in India.
$15 brings food, medicine,
and visits of encouragement
and HOPE to an orphaned
widow and her children.
Named for The Woman at the Well, an outcast whose life was completely transformed after meeting Jesus, the Well is an amazing community of generous people who see a need and refuse to sit on the sidelines. People who know they can't do everything but must do something. People like you, who are determined to make a difference by joining forces with each other and God to bring compassion and hope to as many Indian widows as they can!
Why champion widows?
The Well focuses on widows who are orphaned. Orphaned means they have no family to help them or their family refuses to help them. This is often the case in India where widows of the Hindu culture are blamed for their husband's death. They are literally outcasts in society, shunned and banned from all social interaction. Their suicide rate is very high...
Survey Finds India More Dangerous for Women than Syria, Afganistan, and Saudi Arabia.
The two minute news short from NDTV India below is a must-see, eye opener about the dangers all women in India face simply for being female.
Over five hundred experts on women's issues, in 193 countries, found India the most dangerous country in the world for women. The survey of the experts was conducted by the Thompson Reuters Foundation. While the India government disputes the findings, the National Crime Records Bureau in 2016 reported a nearly 30% increase in crimes against women (41.7 to 53.9 per 100,000).
Tailoring Persecution to Hurt Women is Trending Globally (Open Doors, 2019)
The Open Doors World Watch List reports annually on the most dangerous countries for Christians (India is #10).
Christian Women Face Double Persecution in India
The Thompson Reuters Foundation polling found India to be #1 in sexual violence against women.
Those wanting to persecute Christians in shame cultures like India, find women are doubly vulnerable. First because of their gender they are considered culturally "inferior" with few basic rights. And again because of their Christian faith.
"The data proves conclusively that Christian women are the most exploited group on the face of the earth today." said David Curry, Open Doors President at a Washington press conference in January, 2019
Tomorrow is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted.
Please keep the women of India in your prayers on this special Sunday.
Your Generosity is Changing Lives for Widows in India
Thank you for being so passionate and determined in your commitment to Kerusomen Gospel Ministries. We hope this video is a reminder of how very important your role is in bringing hope to the women of India and in particular, abandoned widows. If you're new to Kerusomen, it's probably because one of our dedicated "family" shared this link with you and thought you'd fit right in! Welcome.
$15 a month changes a widow's life completely. Thank you for joining us.