Reaching the Unreached l Kerusomen Telanganda Mission Update
Every tribe. Every tongue. Every Nation.
In the forest lands of Telangana, your gifts are at work. God is on the move drawing some of India's oldest inhabitants to Himself. Peoples who have never heard the name of Jesus or even met a Christian before.The pandemic food crisis is an obstacle turned into opportunity, opening doors and hearts in villages never before reached like that of the Gutta Kondhas tribe.
Gutta Khondhas Praising God for His Help in the Covid-19 Lockdown
Pastor Paul Raju has a burden in his heart for the Adivasi peoples. "They are forest dwellers whose main occupation is hunting. They also cut trees for firewood and collect vegetables from the forest, selling them in exchange for rice. They have been unable to do that since the lockdown," reports Pastor Paul. His KGM church in Pothepalli is serving this village by delivering emergency food kits to them during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Will you join us in praying for the Gutta Khondas people and Pastor Paul as they hear about Jesus for the first time? Learn more about the Adivasi in this short video: