Your feedback was unanimously enthusiastic.
Everyone loved the new Family Church Sherbrooke venue; all were uplifted by the mission updates; and Tom Caprio's presentation got two thumbs up.
We can never thank you enough for standing with us and the KGM India pastors.
May God richly bless you for your decision to take action bringing hope and compassion to the unreached in India through your partnership with Kerusomen.
Your positive response and immediate support for KGM’s Pray • Partner • Proclaim Ministry and Pastor Saha's God-given Vision 2022, is an answer to our prayers.
A good percentage of you immediately became Pastor Prayer Partners, monthly investors in a native pastor's ministry, or the Bible Story Scarf Gospel outreach ministry.
Others were led to partner in KGM's Compassion Ministries, ISOS Women's Training, Charis Widow Rescue and the New Hope Animal Income-Producing ministry. Your love for the Lord and surrender to His leading was evident. It filled us with joy and glorified Him.