Friday, April 29, 2022

Kids Incoming Let's Celebrate


Can't wait to see you!

New kids and chicks are blessing a 2ND GENERATION of families in India with new hope. Your gift recipients are tithing back their livestock offspring to help others lift themselves out of poverty. Investments in KGM'S Gifts of Hope Ministry multiplies food security and income opportunity to more widows, children, and families as the blessings are passed on and on.

Pray for KGM New Hope Ministry

1.Wisdom:  Thank you, Father, for giving KGM pastors Your wisdom as they go about their work in severely impoverished villages, where the needs of the people are many and resources are few. Guide them as they prioritize these needs and choose recipients for each animal gift. Empower them, through the Holy Spirit, with supernatural discernment to know what is most beneficial in each specific situation they encounter. (James 1:5)

2. Favor:
Thank You for blessing the work of each recipients' hand as they labor to provide food for their families and income to lift themselves out of poverty. Give them favor with people in their villages and in Your eyes. Prosper their efforts for Your glory. (Ps. 128:2; Ps. 90:17; Prov. 3:4)

3.Salvation: Use each gift Lord to help recipients see You, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Open their eyes to recieve Your gift of salvation in Christ Jesus. May they personally encounter the God of love who knit them together in their mothers womb. (James 1:17; Psalms 139:13)

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter KGM USA Partners

Greetings KGM USA Partners. 

May the renewal of life at Easter bring new blessings of love, hope, peace, good health, and joy to you and your loved ones today. 

God bless you, 

Pastors Saha and Anju on behalf of KGM India

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Happy Easter 2022


Rejoicing with you in the wonder of Easter. 


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