Saturday, March 8, 2025

International Women's Day 2025

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
 (Romans 10:15)

Today is International Women’s Day and we're celebrating KGM’s women pastor-missionaries who are faithfully sharing the Good News of Jesus in India. Many thanks to those of you who joined us in prayer this week - please continue praying. 

Kerusomen Gospel Ministries has a vibrant Women's Ministry dedicated to uplifting the women of India. Kerusomen's women leaders provide tangible help like food and medicine for disinfranchised widows; income-producing livestock for the impoverished; and teach vocational and money management skills and good hygiene practicies to underprivileged women so they can better support their families and keep themselves and their children healthy. 

In short, Kerusomen missionaries teach and empower women to rise above their current circumstances by demonstrating the love of God in both practical and spiritual ways. Doing this is an essential part of their work - not only on International Women's Day - but every day.

If God has given you a heart for helping the women of India, click here to learn the many ways you can get involved.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Prayer Alert! International Women’s Day is this Sunday, March 8th. 

KGM has 30 women pastor-missionaries who need your prayers. This video prayer is designed so we can join together as ONE FAMILY in prayer. Thank you for praying with us.

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.“ James 5:16

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