KGM Vacation Bible School turned-out 6,000 children in 2024. 73% of these children were from non-Christian home. Yamini andAleena are two of those children; read their stories.That victory and the resultant growing Sunday School classes are motivating KGM India to seize the opportunity to reach more non-Christian children and families who live near KGM churches.
Children’s Bible Clubs are now open in several strategic KGM church locations. Plans are in motion to expand to more churches and, ultimately, to all 120 Kerusomen church facilities.
Initially, the clubs will be open one day each week, teaching English communication skills and offering recreational activities including sports and games. The Bible Story Scarf tool is used for lessons so the children are exposed to the Gospel as they learn and discuss the Bible stories in English.
Help A Child Unlock Opportunity
Better English skills mean better career opportunities for Indian children, so parents are eager for their children to hone their English skills. Parents also love knowing their kids have a safe place to stay until they're home from work.
The cost to launch and equip one new Club location with materials and sports equipment is just $120 or, with a gift of just $24, you can send one child to Bible Club one time each week for an entire year.
Medical Care is Scarce in Rural India
The need for medical care in the areas Kerusomen serves is huge. A 2023 study found that while over 70% of India’s people live in rural or semi-rural areas, 80% of the country’s doctors practice in the cities. Medical camps help bridge this gap offering professional care and basic medications free of charge.
Diseases that can be cured inexpensively, like diarrhea, are causing needless deaths. 125,000 Indian kids die every year from diarrhea.
Leela, one of our KGM widows, suffered from skin infections for eight years. The culprit was fungus that grew in the dark room where she dried her laundry; it contaminated her intimate apparel. Village “healers” could not find the cause but through her illness, her KGM family not only helped her find a solution that ended the infections, they introduced Leela to Jesus, the true Healer.
Just $500 equips KGM India to fund one medical camp mission, including a treatment tent, doctors, nurses, an ambulance, and basic medicines for common ailments. These camps will not only give access to health treatment for villagers who have none, they also allow our missionaries to pray and share the Gospel with those who would never listen under normalcircumstances.
Train and Equip a Bible Story Teller to Reach Oral Cultures in India
The hardest places to reach people with the Gospel are often that way for a reason. There are geographic challenges, restrictive countries, alternate world views, as well as complex language and dialect differences to overcome in these tough to reach places.
The Forgotten Seventy Percent
One of the biggest obstacles rarely discussed - or even considered - is learning differences. That's a big problem because 70% of the world's unreached people are non-reading learners from oral cultures. Yet even today, 90% of Christian evangelists still use literate learning methods (books, internet apps, and written study guides) to try to reach them - with meager success.
We fail to reach them not because they reject the Gospel message, but because God wired them to learn about Him in a different way.
How Oral Cultures Learn
Oral cultures learn through storytelling, drama, dance, music, song and even poetry.
So, Kerusomen India equips its native missionary-pastors to communicate the Gospel effectively through:
Bible storytelling and dialogue training using word-for-word accuracy to preserve the Word of God.
Musical adaptations to scripture in song, dance, and drama;
Providing a story cloth tool, featuring 42 chronological Bible stories revealing the gospel of Jesus Christ, called the Bible Story Scarf that helps believers share their faith.
KGM instructors use a widely accepted, proven training program, that has been in practice for 25 years. It provides native grassroots workers with a systematic strategy to reach oral learners and theilliterate.