According to the dictionary, the word elevate has several meanings. The Kerusomen prayer group focuses on two of them:
1. Elevate means to increase the amount or intensity of something.

First we want to elevate our passion for the unreached people groups, especially the Frontier peoples, in India. This Blog, our FaceBook page, Elevate Email communications and our quarterly prayer gatherings all play a role in elevating our prayer intensity.·Both this Blog and our FaceBook page are learning tools as well as places to connect with team members. It’s hard to pray for strangers. These online formats also introduce you to real people with real needs in the churches we plant.
Elevate email communications provide you with specific prayer requests from the mission field.·
Finally, quarterly Elevate prayer gatherings provide fellowship, encouragement, and corporate prayer that build our faith and strengthen our resolve to press on in prayer.
Next, we want to elevate the frequency of our prayers for them – ideally to include them in our prayers daily.· We provide tools to help you start making prayer for the unreached in India a daily habit. Click here to download or print our prayer guides.
2. Elevate means to assign a high status or value to something.
We believe that prayer is the most important thing any of us can do to reach the unreached. Period. Every missions movement, every disciple-making movement; all of them began with prayer. Extraordinary prayer. We all need to pray. We need you to pray. We need prayer warriors.
God is eager to fulfill the Great Commission and He delights in answering prayers that are aligned with His will.
Will you help change the lives of 1.2 billion people in India by joining our prayer team? The time is now. The Joshua project reports that the rate of evangelism is 2.6% globally. India’s rate is 3.9%! More people in India are open to the Good News than ever before. Jesus said:
"Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest?' Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest." John 4:35
Jesus commands us to “lift up our eyes” or could we say “elevate our vision”? See things from God’s perspective?
You can become a part of the Great Commission force in India.
You can make a difference, an eternal difference, with your prayers.
We invite you to join Kerusomen Elevate! Today.
Two Ways to Join Kerusomen in Prayer
Pray with Knowledge
Please use and share the articles on this site as a way to pray with knowledge for Believers in India, Haiti, and of course, the United States. We are privileged to engage with them in the joys they celebrate and challenges they face.